Operation Smile medical programs are almost entirely volunteer-based, so we rely on medical professionals who can take charge of their roles with confidence, conviction and world-class skill. These traits have made Operation Smile a global leader in performing safe cleft surgery in resource-limited environments for more than three decades. Guided by our Global Standards of Care, medical volunteers must be able to work as a team to balance the highest possible quality of care with the efficiency to serve as many patients as our time and resources will allow.
This demands stamina – physically, mentally and emotionally – as long hours and a fast pace are expected of our volunteers. Our work also requires travel to locations across the globe, which presents its own set of demands and challenges.
Volunteer specialties
- Cleft Surgeons
- Anesthesiologists/Pediatric Anesthesiologists
- Post-Anesthesia Care Unit Physician/Pediatric Intensivists
- Pediatricians
- Dentists
- Operating room nurses
- Recovery room nurses
- Ward nurses
- Genetic Specialists
- Speech pathologists
- Child Life Specialists
- Researchers
- Paper Medical records
- Electronic Medical Records
- PIT (medical photographers)
- Photographers
- Translators
- Others…
For more information and to apply, please contact us